10 Life Lessons I Have Learned From Taking JF Spin

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10 Life Lessons I Have Learned From Taking JF Spin


In spin class this past weekend Christine said “KEEP YOUR HEAD AND CHEST UP. YOU BREATHE BETTER WHEN YOUR HEAD IS UP”. And I left class pondering this statement.

What a great life lesson, Isn’t is always better when you keep your head up? If something or someone has you down isn’t it best to face it straight on with your head and chest up. So, I started to wonder…. what other life lessons have I learned from taking spin?……..

10 Life Lessons I have Learned From JF Spin:

  1. If you work hard you will see results.
  2. Change happens from the inside out.
  3. Don’t give up.
  4. When there’s a lot of resistance you just have to work that much harder.
  5. Always remember to breathe.
  6. Sometimes you just have to close your eyes to get through it.
  7. Nothing beats a good spin class to get you out of a funk.
  8. The body achieves what the mind believes.
  9. You can do anything for 30 seconds.
  10. Be consistent and patient. You will get there.

So there you have it,  my list of 10 things I have learned.   I’m curious, can you add to the list? Let us know.


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